Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yesterday we went into London meet up with a friend I went to University with. We were originally going to see a play but Amanda's boyfriend wanted to see some sights- principally 'The London Bridge'- so we agreed to meet them on London Bridge. As soon as I heard that Brad wanted to see London Bridge I thought he surely must mean 'Tower Bridge'- because London Bridge is nothing special. But stupidly I didn't say anything just continued on our merry way to London Bridge. Tim and I arrived and phoned Amanda- she said she could see London Bridge in the distance and were walking along the THames towards it- would only be about 10 minutes. SO we stayed on London Bridge (it was extremely windy and cold) looking out for a girl in a green jumper to come towards us. Eventually we got another call from Amanda saying that it was a longer walk than she expected and they were nearly there- I asked her which side of the bridge she was on- and she said the side with the glass building- I looked around and saw at least 2 glass buildings on every side of the bridge. So we just said ok we will meet you in the middle. Another 5 mintues past and we thought they should have been on the brdge by now. So I called Amanda and said, 'hey are you on Tower bridge or London bridge?'- she said I think London Bridge- I said, 'is there a tower on your bridge? and as I expected there was. So we walked donw and met them on Tower Bridge. It seemed a lot funnier than it does in this post. So by this stage everyone was over the idea of sightseeing and in need of some lunch. So we went to the place we go every time we go to London- Camden and had some food and checked out the markets. We found this awesome bar in the middle of the markets called 'The Cuban' which had a really great atmosphere. We had a beer there and then went to Euston to meet Amanda and Brads mate. He took us to this Australian pub called the 'walkabout'- apparently its a chain and its full of bad Aussie gimics like kangaroon burgers and stuff. We drank (what is apparently an Australian favourite?) snakebites- cider, beer and cranberry mixed in- it was an ok flavour but a bit too sweet for me. And really Australians are too tough for the that kind of girly drink. We ended up staying there the rest of the night. It was a good night because of the company but I wouldn't bother going back to the Walkabout pub- I didn't think it had much charm really and truly had no Australian feel to it aside from all the Aussies working behind the bar.

Some UK stuff

Last weekend we went to Rochester which is a very old town close to Gravesend. It is famous for being a point where a lot of invasions occured I think. It was quite quaint- little cobblestone alley ways everywhere etc. There was a massive cathedral which we explored - it was like most big cathedrals here- really beautfiful stained glass windows- some sort of crypt underneath etc.

There was also a massive castle on the hill overlooking the Medway River. We wandered around it but were too stingy to pay 5 pounds to go in. I mean we've both seen castles before- Im sure we didn't miss much.

Best part of the day we went to a pub that had 1 pound lasagne and chips and 2.50 fish and chips! Bloody Brilliant! Obvioulsy like all food in this dreary country it had minimal flavour but you can't complain for that price!