Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tim can ride a motorbike but he can't drive a car

This morning we decided to rent a motorbike and travel around the surrounding parts of Pai. It was assumed that I would drive seeing as I have a license and Tim doesn't. However it turns out I don't have the greatest skills when it comes to motor bikes so Tim took over and proved to be a natural. We rode just out of town to this funny little place called "Coffee in love" which is essentially a really nice coffee shop with amazing views of fields and hills. Deciding to be truly decadent we ate cheesecake and drank iced coffees for breakfast! It was great.

Then we rode a few km's towards Chaing Mai to see a waterfall called Pam Bok waterfall. We drove up into the mountains and again saw some beautiful scenery. he waterfall was fairly isolated and we had to walk up a bit of an incline to get a really good view- but it was worth it. We had to cross (what I will describe as) a very rickety old bridge like those you see in horror movies and I felt very brave crossing it. I didn't want to but I did.

After this we headed to some outlying villages. We came across a house that had art showing. We stopped and the artist insisted on giving us shots of tequila- which I had to drink because Tim was driving- and it was fairly potent stuff. He was a great guy who had studied philosophy and then used this in his art. His work was pencil and pen and he made this tiny little swirls that came together to make very detailed images - and the colours were luminous. It was almost pointilist in approach but using swirls instead of dots.

After this we kept going to a small village called Santichon which is very close to the border of Myanamur (Burma). It was originally settled by Chinese people and thus is referred to as the Chinese village and still maintains a very Chinese feel. We had some great Chinese style soups for lunch and continued onto another waterfall called mo Poeng. Again stunning. Only the photos will describe it.

By this stage it had started to look rainy and the temperature had dropped dramatically- but we wanted to see this Lisu tribe village that supposedly wasn't far. But as our map was fairly vague we got a little lost and by the time we were back on track it was pouring with rain. So we headed back into Pai. By the time we arrived at our hostel we were practically drenched. So we spent the rest of the afternoon lazing in cafes and wandering the shops of Pai.

Tomorrow we will ride out to the hot springs and have a soak and then again try to find that mysterious Lisu village.

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