Monday, December 29, 2008

London arrival

We arrived in London at about 6am London time. We were fairly tired and not in the mood for the dickhead Kiwi customs officer who berrated us at customs. He basically insulted us by saying that Australians were a drain on British society, we contribute nothing, get a British passport and then go home. THen to top it off he banged on about how apparently there were a lot of problems with foreign teachers not being at the same standard as British teachers. What a nobwanker. I'm still not over it. The strangest part was that he himself came over on an Ancestory Visa!

Once I put on my pair of jeans and one lame jacket I had I was mustering some excitement. This quickly dissipated when we got outside at Kensington Tube station and walked to our hotel in the freezing minus 2 degrees temp of 7am London. After 2 months of tropical weather this was a shock to the system. I was so cold I thought my butt was wet! Anyway we spent the day trying to stay awake.

We have now been in England for 3 weeks and are starting to settle in. We moved into the first place we found- boarding at a house owned by a woman in her 30s. She is lovely but hardly ever home so we have free reign which is great.

My first week of school was extremely interesting and I will write more details when my brain is functioning better. Its 1.30 am right now.

We had a lovely Christmas with Tim's Grandparents although we both felt a bit homesick throughout the day missing everyone.

1 comment:

Jennyo said...

just read the entry on the leaving events and arriving in London- you guys are certainly seeing both sides of the travelling story, all sounds like fun to me! (really) Em and i had a great Christmas - she really liked beetroot and carrot for Xmas dinner,- and we walked a lot, she really is a saint with her job i went on one occasion as she tended (and fixed) the most amazing (paralized) dog. when Jono got back we ate more and visited the most AMAZING native animal park Jono is consultant for - got to cuddle Tassie devils and pat Kangaroos. xx