Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cesky Krumlov- yahoo

So we awoke early and wandered down to the bus stop (which we had spent a fair bit of time the night before looking for only to realise we had been walking past it every time!) and caught the bus to Cesky Krumlov in the South of the country. It took nearly 3 hours drive and mostly the views weren't that exciting. The landscape is fairly non descript- green grass, leafless trees etc. A few towns here and there that look mostly like anywhere else apart from the Czek writing on the signs.

Cesky Krumlov is absolutely beautiful! Tim and I both agreed that we were feeling a little aprehensive about Europe after our Paris trip. Basically Paris was interesting but neither of us absolutely loved it and it cost a fortune and we were both worried that maybe the rest of Europe would be a bit ho hum as well- yes some of you reading will think we are complete philistines for not loving Paris but there you have it we didn't and we don't and the truth is finally out there!

Cesky Krumlov is an old town- with the River Vlatva running through it. The centre of the town (you could say is touristy) but charmingly so. Every building is a different colour- theya re all cement buildings but with amazing designs all over them. Some are just basic so it looks like they have been made out of brick work or whatever but its all painted- so it gives a 3d effect. And again gorgeous cobblestone alleys that twist and turn around each other over bridges etc. and what Tim and I really enjoy the most fabulous places to eat and drink! We had lunch at a vegetarian restaraunt that was amazing- the waiter was so funny he reminded me of Gerard Deparduie- always smiling and laughing and seemingly simple but obviously not. The food here is very hearty- served on big thick earthenware plates and big portions that warm you up. It all feels very medieval. We sat eating along the river and for the first time since being in Europe basked in the SUN! Yes the sun! I could feel the vitamin D soaking in and taking all my sadness away. I never want to go back to stupid England! The weather here is fabulous- its been about 19 degrees which after the UK winter feels so nice!.
We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the alleyways and exploring. That night we went to a restaraunt serving traditional Czeck food- and drank hot mead- Tim had South Bohemian Mead and I had Maravian- who really knows what was in either but it was yummy and sitting right next to a beautiful castle and colourful tower it was very atmospheric.

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