Sunday, April 5, 2009

We nearly didn't make it!

Ok -so we just made the most embarrassing mistake a traveler could possibly make. We went out on Friday night for drinks with workmates- got a bit tipsy and came home all orried because we had no clean clothes. So we thrwe stuff in the wash and wnt to sleep- woke up o wet clothes and spent the morning tryng to dry them with the hair dryer! In such a state of confusion and last minute packing we rushed out the door headed to the train station and felt very proud of ourselves tha we had made it. Settled onto the train and read the newspaper. On arrival at London Bridge for no apparent reason I suddenly remembered we had left our passports at home! Of course I burst into panic accompanied by tears, tantrums, foot stamping and nearly throwing myself in front of the next train all while Tim remained perfectly calm. We racked our brains- if Tim went back would we still get to the airport in time? Answer no. Could we get a taxi- not enough time to get there and back! Long story short we rang our mate Martin (another school teache from South Africa) and asked if he would be so kind as to jump in a taxi and bring us our passports! And thank God he is an awesome guy and did simply that. Our housemate let him in grabbed the passports and a 70 pound taxi fare later he met us at heathrow with only minutes to spare and we got checked in! Amazing! Then I started to panic thinking that maybe there was a supernatural reason we forgot our passports and started imagining the plane crashing etc. But thankfully we made it to Prague and got to our hotel at abou midnight last night!

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