Sunday, March 15, 2009

London again

Yesterday we headed to London to see a play called '3 days of Rain'. We headed in and met Greg on Portobello Road, had some all day breakfast washed down by some tall cold pints in a Tapas bar. Greg couldn't quite reconcile the idea of having beer with breakfast. Wandered along Portobello road to check out the markets. The houses along here are all painted different colours and the effect is like a big colourful lolly. I have no idea why the rest of England doesn't get on board with the colour scheme and brighten up this dreary country. We happened to see the home of George Orwell- had no idea he lived in Notting Hill.
The highlight of Tim's day was another chance at some waffles- but alas they did not live up to his past waffle experiences and he finished his strawberry chocolate waffle feeling unsatisfied. The search for the best waffle continues.
'3 days of rain' was an interesting play. In all honest we just booked tickets because it had James McAvoy in it and we didn't really know what it was about. Basically (like all tried and tested plays) its a story about family and secrets etc. The first half was set in the current day after the death of the characters father- basically trying to unravel the mysteries of the childhood - why their parents were so eccentric why their mother was mentally ill. Not as depressing as you might think from the overview. Very well written and fairly humorous. The set was really cool- old run down loft apartment in NEw York. The second act the actors became different characters- their parents during the time they met '3 days of rain'. I liked the second half better and Tim liked the first half. Neither of us are sure exactly why.
I felt a lot better just being in London for the day. So much more happening, way less pregnant teenagers and racist drunks. I think I am getting a very negative view of England from living in Gravesend and after a bit of soul searching and some tough decisions we are deciding to move to London at the end of Summer. Going to stay here because it is cheap and we can save up for big summer holiday- then come back and Tim will look for work in London and when he gets something we will move up. I will keep working at the school until such time as Tim gets something. We will move up and I will do supply teaching. I can't handle the stress of permanant position when my intentions of being in England are not to further a teaching career. So now we have made that decision I feel ten times better. Who knows if we really have enough we might move sooner. But at the moment its good to benefit from cheap living and school holidays! Also Tim has a teaching assistant job at my school.

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