Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We headed to Montmartre today and I have to say I felt like I had finally found an area of Paris that lived up to my expectations. On the top of the hill is a beautiful white Church called Sacre Cour (not sure if spelled like that). Perched alone on the hill it is stunning. From the top you can look out over Paris. It but fairly smoggy/foggy but still a good view.

We wandered around the little streets surrounding. Montmartre is the area where all the artists hang out do portraits etc surrounded by lovely little shops, cafes, bars etc. We wandered into an art gallery focusing on Dali and had a look. I think most of the work were reproductions but still cool to see.

One thing that I was shocked by in Paris was the food. People rave about food in France but most things and not that fresh- all sandwiches are pre made and sitting there etc. They even premake hotdogs with melted cheese on. Gross. Also- how lazy can you be to not make a hot dog fresh?
Everywhere you go you can buy crepes with Nutella- they really love nutella in Paris!

After this we wandered around looking for the Moulin Rouge. By this stage of the day though the camera battery had died. The Moulin Rouge was fairly disappointing- the windmill was tiny and just plonked on top of an ordinary building on the street. Lame. Not to mention we had to wander through the sex district to find it.

So we wandered onto the Montmartre cemetary which is the final resting place of many famous people. Most of which we had never heard of. Nonetheless the cemetary was incredible. Each plot is a mausoleum- so the cemetary is divided into streets you walk down and you are surrounded by these miniature stone buildings complete with stained glass windows, turrets and gargoyles. Spookily on one fairly impressive tomb sat a black cat which just stared at us intently as we walked past.

Tim and I ended up hanging out in a bar in Montmartre during happy hour to end the day.

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