Sunday, August 23, 2009

Napoli, POmpeii etc

25th – heading to Napoli.

When we got out of the tube station near where we were staying in Napoli I thought we had magically arrived in the Bronx. There were children running around swearing at each other and threatening to kill each other. People piled on scooters not wearing helmets and driving on the pavement. Really didn’t feel safe. A little girl pointed us in the right direction and we were glad to get moving- even though it seemed as though we were getting deeper and deeper in the heart of the true seediness that turned out to be the whole of Naples. In a nut shell- a total shithole- but it did have the best pizza we experienced in the whole of Italy (but more about that later). It was getting darker and darker and we didn’t know anything about where we were except that there were on average 100 mafia related deaths per year in Naples. Eventually we reached our hostel which turned out to be a room in a fat guys apartment. Seediness exceeded.

26th – Pompeii
Hottest day ever and we decide to walk around some dusty ruins. Good choice. I don’t know where my memories of studying this at school went because I was shocked by its size. I thought there would be a few ruins and that would be it but it was 60 hectares of town uncovered. Pretty amazing. But we lost Jonno after about half an hour which meant a lot of wandering around discovering just how big the place was.

27th – Napoli
Spent the day in Napoli- went to a pizza place recommended by the fat guy who owned the apartment- and it was worth it. Huge pizzas for about 5 euro and with fab toppings. It was so popular that we had to line up outside to get a seat. The res of Naples isn’t really worth mentioning. Terribly polluted and ugly.

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