Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sorrento and Rome

28th – Sorrento
Glad to be out of Naples we spent 2 days never leaving the camp site. There was a cooking room, a beach and a pool and plenty of cheap beer to keep us occupied for a couple of days and it was nice to take a break from old churches. The beach wasn’t particularly a beach but a cove, that you had to walk down a cliff face to get to and there was no sand just rocks but the water was very salty and boyant and lovely to swim in.

29th Sorrento

30th – Rome
31st – rome – Vatican City St Peter’s Basilica
So the Vatican was disappointing- not in the sense that I’m a red hot Catholic on a pilgrimage and I missed seeing the Pope because he was on Summer holiday but just in the sense that I was hoping to see a lot more security guys with machine guns. I suppose because the big guy was elsewhere no one cared.

1st – Rome Colosseum

2nd – Roman Forum, Pantheon

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