Thursday, April 16, 2009

Berlin day two

We had a fairly shittxy nights sleep owing to a very echoey hostel where every footstep and door opening etc echoes to about three times its usual volume.

We headed into Alexandraplatz assumign that might be a place to buy a tourist map and start out. We havenät done much research this trip and really had no idea where to go or what to do. With tourist map in hand we walked the two kms to Checkpoint Charlie- which with fake American soldior re enactments etc was fairly lame. The museum was incredibly interesting but not laid out well. Lots of writing and photos etc crammed into a small space and it didnät unfold in a very logical way. Hard to get a chronological idea of the Berlin and its wall and would be particularlz confusing if yzou had no previous knowledge about it. I suppose most people know a bit about it all though. We spent a good 2 hours wandering around it though- lots of incredible stories of escape.

From there we walked to Potsdamer Platz and to the Holocaust memorial. The Memorial is a colloection of probablz 100 or more cement rectangular pillars of varying height. The ground they are on is not even but waving hills and burrows so when you look at the memorical from the outside you donät realise how tall some of the pillars actually are and you can#t see all the people wandering through them.

From there we walked to the Brandenburg Gate- the only surviving gate of 4 to berlin built in the 1700s.

We are now at the internet in a big mall across from where the German Premiere of Star Trek the movie is happening. Lots of excitement earlier on but we couldnät be bothered waiting to see a couple of famous people walk by.

1 comment:

Jennyo said...

Hi Looks like my words are getting through. you guys sound like your having such a fabulous interesting time, makes the rest of us just boring. i did like the Dubbo connections, and yes i agree - what did i tell you about Europe -lots of old buildings and bad coffee, (trying to cheer myself up here - Sydney is cold, noisy and expensive but it does have good coffee and a few new buildings))